The following day we got to see our friend Rachel and her cutie baby boy. We went to the park and had fun. She brought my son a Bob the builder playhouse which he LOVES! He got himself all "Bobed" up and went to work pretend fixing stuff. Thanks Rachel!
Then the next week was back to usual. Spring Break was over.
I did get around to making that Muno shirt for my son. Now he has 2 shirts he wants to wear all the time. At least I can wash one at a time!
And I got back to work on the nursery I've been working on (not ours). I made curtains, which get installed today.
I've also been going to the gym A LOT. I'm trying to get in shape for beach season! I've lost only 1 pound but my clothes fit better. I've spent time getting ready for a 5K race too. The last one I did was the Race for the Cure back in October 2004, so it had been a while. I decided to do the Buccaneer's Draft Day Dash. It's a fun one which I had done before back in 2001. It ends whith running through the tunnel and the finish line is on the 50-yard line. You can see yourself on the JumboTron as you cross the finish line. So even if you come in last you still feel like a winner! That race was this morning. A few weeks ago my treadmill time was 37:36, which I was okay with because my goal was to break 40 minutes. Tuesday night my treadmill time was 33:04. I was worried I wouldn't beat it today but...I DID! Not by much though. My time was 32:49 which puts my pace at 10 minutes 35 seconds per mile. Not bad for being older and having 2 kids! This is me(in the red hat, see the black arrow) after mile 1. And me in the stadium being goofy.

I'm also very excited about another couple projects I'm working on, but they are TOP SECRET for now, or at least until after Mother's Day! Then I'll post pictures. But so far I'm VERY happy with how things are turning out, that's all I can say!