Now imagine me singing that to the tune of "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" while finishing up my Mother's Day dress. It was (not) fun. But, it was fun to match baby. Some folks think it's corny, but as long as it's something I'm willing to wear, why not! And technically the dresses don't match, just the fabric. I will not try to make myself a garment without a pattern again though, this was a huge pain and completely imperfect. I don't know how the designers do it! Here's the dress (keep in mind this is after riding in the car for an hour, it's wrinkled):

So that my son wouldn't feel left out, I bought him and my husband matching shirts. He loved it. Here we are, even the matching doll:

The funny thing is when we got home from lunch our new neighbors were moving in. We went over and introduced ourselves and my husband added "we don't always match like this, we're not a cult or anything".
And speaking of the new neighbors...our dog must think he's died and went to Doggie Heaven. They have a 1 year old Jack Russell Terrier. Our dog, also a JRT is almost 11. They bark through the fence at eachother, which was cute for about a minute and a half, now it's annoying. We'll figure it out though!