Here it is the day (afternoon) before Halloween and what am I doing? Sewing my child's costume! Well, at least I *hopefully* won't be doing it up until the wee hours of the morning. I am almost done really. The only thing that is making this worth while is that he LOVES it! Oh, and if you are wondering, after seeing everyone's prefernce for Little Red Riding Hood for my daughter, we decided my son can be...The Big (not so)Bad Wolf!
I have to admit that I am pretty impressed with myself on this one. While I enjoy sewing things geometric in nature (purses, twirly skirts, etc) I am NOT good at garment making without a pattern. I kind of proved that to myself back at Mother's Day when I attempted to make myself a dress. But somehow this is all coming together. Granted I'm not making it to last a lifetime though, just tomorrow!
We looked at all the Halloween stores, Target, K-mart, etc. but we could not find a wolf costume suitable for a child. I was thinking of buying one and cutting it up to recon it, but at that point, why would I want to spend $29.99 to do more work? If I was going to go that route, I may as well make the whole darn thing!
And off we went to JoAnn's yesterday at 3:30pm. I found a nice felt fabric that looked like wolf fur yet still seemed breathable and was only $4.99/yd (AND I had a 40% off coupon), so I bought 5 yards of it for $14.97. Why so much of it? Because if I messed up the first try I didn't want to have to run out again. But so far the first try is a success and I'll have loads of fake fur around for some other future project. Probably stuffed animals of some sort.
Right now I've got the hood done, the paws and most of the body. I just have to sew on a couple velcros to close up the back and finish the shoe covers (which are attached to the body. Then if I feel it's needed I can add toenails later tonight.
My son's favorite part is the tail. I stuffed it and he can shake his rump and make the tail move back and forth. He also likes the paws. He walked around singing "If you're happy and you know it clap your paws" this afternoon. Like I said, he makes it all worth while!
Here's a sneak peak:
He's wearing the head and the paws pretending to be a werewolf.