Okay, after making baby girl an apron I thought about making myself one too. So I went out looking for fabric and this caught my eye. It looked very kitchen-ish. And the green fabric caught my eye too so I bought some and made the skirt. Oh, and Never say Never, because I didn't think I'd ever try to sew clothes for myself again, but I did, and this time I managed to figure out the invisible zipper (eventually). I wore the skirt yesterday and it is quite comfy. I'm a skirt gal though, that or jeans. Today big boy wanted to make lemon cake (the recipe was in his latest issue of "High Five" magazine) so I got out my apron and we made it! While it was baking I thought it would be fun to try and look like a 50's housewife baking. So I put some makeup on, dug out the pearls, and voila! Honestly I can't stand wearing so much makeup, it feels so yucky, good thing I didn't live back then I guess. Here's the picture (big boy took it). We're off to eat cake!
PS- Can anyone spot why I'm a dunce. Post a comment if you figure it out (there may be more than one reason , Lord knows I'm not perfect, but there's one "duh" thing in particular I noticed).

ETA: The "duh" thing was that I didn't notice the fabric was directional and I made it upside down. The stems are all on the bottom of the lemons. I thought some were stem up and some stem down (would have made more sense), but apparently not! Oh well!