Friday, December 12, 2008

And a partridge in a pear tree...

It's the first day of the 12 days of Christmas, so I made a partridge in a pear tree for my true love. It took longer than I thought because the darn bird's tail feathers didn't want to work out with the fabric. So I decided to just cut my losses- literally. I cut off the tail feathers and opted for the wool felt instead. Overall it came out nice. I wanted the bird to be removable so I used a snap. Now will I continue tomorrow with the turtle doves? We'll see. I have a lot of Christmas sewing to do. I've been sewing what I want (pretty much passing fancies like this) rather than what I should be doing, so I've got to knuckle down or my packages will never get sent!

Well, only 11 more shopping days til Christmas! Fa la la la la!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, it looks great!