Saturday, April 11, 2009

I need a pause button!

It's funny living in the age of the DVR, my son thinks anything can just be paused in order to do something else. The other day we were making dinner together and he said "Can we pause it Mama? I have to go potty!". Ah, how I wish life did have a pause button, I could keep my children young (me too, for that matter!) and innocent forever. But time stops for no one. 

Heck, I could use a pause button just to catch up on sleep! Things have been quite busy here getting our office ready to be Baby Girl's "Big Girl" room and prepping for our garage sale. The crib, changing table, double stroller, etc. is getting sold (sniff sniff). It's hard for me to part with those items because they were part of the whole "New baby #1 and then #2" package that at one time seemed so unattainable. So I guess I look at these items as souvenirs of sorts, for a long rocky road that was worth the trip down just to see the beautiful scene at the end. But like most souvenirs, I can't hold on to these forever (like those participation trophies we used to get as kids, where DO they end up?), but luckily I CAN hold onto my children forever, in my heart if not always by my side.

Alright, on to something else before I cry a river on my keyboard!

I've still managed to make a few quick things here and there while doing the room and garage sale prep. First of I made removable pillow covers for throw pillows for the couch. I was sick of dog hair getting everywhere. So now I can remove them and wash them (I think... I kind of messed up and bought fabric that says dry clean only, but I think if I hand wash them they'll be fine). I can also make new ones if I ever get sick of these and still keep the pillow form inside (which were 50% off when I bought them!).

Next pet peeve put to rest was that our box of 64 crayons got torn apart (thanks to both kids pulling in opposite directions), and there were crayons everywhere. They needed a home, and I happened across a tutorial for a cute crayon holder so, ... problem solved. I saw these fabrics at a local quilt shop and just loved the pirate monkeys (so do the kids). I keep one set in my bag to have at restaurants. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it before, I love the look of rick rack borders but I can't stand sewing it! Even when I pin it still gets all wonky looking! But it's good enough for this project. I also thought, after I used the elastic of course, that I could have just sewn in hair ties to keep them closed, goodness knows I have enough of them lying around! Anyhow, here they are:

Next time I'll put up pictures of the new room, it's finally painted, the bed is up and made, we just have to put stuff on the walls and move the computer out. So it won't be too long!

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