Monday, January 21, 2008

The sound of silence

Napping children makes for a quiet house, a moment to regain some sanity, or scrub the floors as the case may be today. I'm going to go all out and get down on my hands and knees to do it too (yippie skippy). Hi Ho...Hi's off to work I go.

I'd love to get some sewing done today too, but the floors really need a good cleaning! Spilled water a few days ago and baby crawled in it and her knees got so filthy that it made me realize Swiffer wet jet just in't cutting it.

Oh, and I wonder why it's so hard to find a tissue to wipe the kids' noses with??? Hmmm, I wonder...

1 comment:

Alyson Clair said...

Ha Ha! Mr.B does that with kleenex, tp and his favorite, paper towels.

I am begining to think those swiffer things are a scam. I seem to use more and more, and they don't clean so well.