Thursday, February 28, 2008


greets me in my wonderful backlit LCD on my sewing machine while trying to sew/stabalize the thickest part of this darn bumper! UGH!! I don't know what I was thinking when I bought batting to stuff the bumper. I didn't buy enough so I had to buy more, and in order to achieve a seamless look, I ever so slightly overlapped the battings (maybe 2 inches) and now that machine won't go though that thick part and I have to hand sew it. Pooh on you bumper, for being so difficult!!

New with me: started a book club with 5 other friends. I've been meaning to get back into reading more. This past summer I did a marathon of the Harry Potter series (I know, I was probably the last person on Earth to not have read them, so I read them all back to back). The plus side to that is that I didn't have to buy a single one of the books, I just borrowed them from my friends (Thanks Kathy and Pam!). I then read Dean Koontz's The Husband , courtesy of my local library. The beginning and concept were good, but the ending had me thinking he just wanted to finish the book and wrote something to be done with it. It wasn't as well thought out.

So for the book club we're going to go with Oprah's latest selection and read A New Earth. I hope it lives up to all the hype. I'm generally not one to experience "Awakenings", but I'm open for anything! I'll let ya know!


Alyson Clair said...

wow! Your machine is high tech. Mine is from 1956, so I don't get a warning message, just broken needles and thread clots.

Don't worry, I will be the last one on earth read Harry Potter. (NEVER!!)

I'm excited to see the room when you guys are all done.

Lisa S. said...

I'm with the previous poster on being the last one on earth to read Harry Potter (because I don't think I ever will). You'll have to let us know how 'A New Earth' is. I don't get much reading time that doesn't include picture books... so I'd hate to read it and end up hating it.